Friday, May 28, 2010

The Crazy, Lazy Cookbook: Eat out often (The Pub)

Who knew that a bit of jolly ole England could be found in Cincinnati for a fistful of U.S. dollars rather than the traditional pounds and a pence? I recently got a taste of English culture at The "Pub" in Rookwood Commons.
The Pub is authentically British, says my daughter, who recently returned from across the "pond." So I'll take her word that pubs are very casual, social establishments, offering patrons seemingly endless brew and lager options. 
At her suggestion, I drank Hoegaarden and Stella -- two popular Belgium brands that have unique heritages: Hoegaarden is a wheat brew whose history is rooted in the middle ages; Stella traces its beginnings to 1366. 
My Hoegaarden was served in a huge glass with a slice of orange -- or was that Stella? Hmmm -- don't twist the orange and bring a designated driver!!!

A few days later, and much more sober, I returned to complete the experience. What I learned: the Pub serves free brew samples upon request and classic Pub fare is a must. I enjoyed a delicious pizza appetizer while awaiting the Monday night, half-priced Fish 'n' Chips special. Next time, I'll try Bangers and Mash or Shepherd's Pie but plan to leave the Fried Pickles alone!  


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